Trailer Plates
Unlike Vehicle plates, Trailer Plates only have to be registered once – there is no annual renewal like for a vehicle. You will need to provide proof of ownership in the form of a Bill of Sale or lease agreement. If you have purchased the trailer from a dealer, the dealer can email the Bill of Sale or lease agreement to search@altafacts.com or fax it to us at 403 235-7889. The cost is $163 (no GST).
Pre-Owned Trailers:
If you are purchasing a vehicle which was previously registered in Alberta, please visit ALTAFACTS to register the trailer in your name. We will need to see a Bill of Sale or lease agreement.
New Trailers:
If you have purchased a brand new trailer, we will need to see the NVIS (New Vehicle Information Statement) or Statement of Origin and the Bill of Sale or lease agreement.
Home-Made Trailers and Assigned VIN
If you wish to register a trailer that you have constructed yourself and which hasn’t been previously registered, you will need to undergo the Assigned VIN Program, administered the VIN Verification Services Corporation.
Trailer Insurance
We don’t need to see proof of insurance to register a trailer, but you should contact your insurance company to have the trailer added to your policy.
Authorizing Another Individual to Register Your Trailer
If you can’t come into the Registry yourself, please ask the person who is coming in on your behalf to bring an original completed Authorization for Vehicle Services Form in which you provide consent for the individual to register the trailer in your name on your behalf. The person coming into the office will also need to show his valid photo ID.