Disabled Placards
A parking placard allows a person to use disabled parking stalls that are closer to the entrances of public buildings and also designated street parking. Specifically, an individually who cannot walk 50 metres (as determined by a medical doctor) is eligible for a parking placard for persons with disabilities.
There are 3 types of parking placards and the type of placard you are eligible to receive depends upon the information that your doctor provides when filling out the application.
a temporary placard, issued for between 3 and 12 months (or as specified by doctor)
a long-term placard, issued for up to 5 years
a permanent placard that can be renewed every 5 years by the client without additional medical certification
You may have a maximum of one placard for each vehicle registered in your name. Albertans with disabilities who do not own a vehicle registered in their names are still eligible for a placard to be used when others are driving them. Visitors from other provinces are also eligible to apply for a short-term disabled placard.
The placards are issued to individuals who provide proper proof that they meet the requirements. You can download the Handicap Placard Application Form here and take it to a certified medical professional to fill out. Forms are also available in our office. When the form is complete, come back into our office with your driver’s licence or other government-issued photo ID.
We can issue the placard on the spot and the cost is $9.