Lost or Stolen Plates
Licence Plate Theft On the Rise in Calgary
Sadly, licence plate thefts are on the rise in Alberta. Criminals may use stolen plates to drive or register stolen vehicles or to put on a vehicle that they will use to commit a crime. Since you are liable for any fines which are incurred while the plate is registered in your name, it is important to know your plate number and to check it frequently to make sure that it hasn’t been switched.
Call the Police to Report a Stolen Plate
If your plate has been stolen, you should contact the Calgary Police non emergency line at (403) 266-1234 to report the theft right away.
Cancel and Replace Your Stolen Plate
Whether the plate is lost or stolen, you should come into Altafacts Search & Registry to cancel the plate right away. Bring in your valid vehicle registration and proof of insurance. We can give you a new plate and transfer your vehicle onto this new plate for a fee of $28.
If you can’t come into the office yourself, you can authorize another individual to do so on your behalf. You can print and fill out this Licence plate / Parking Placard Cancellation Declaration and either fax it to us at (403) 235-7899, email it to search@altafacts.com or have the person who is coming in to change your registration for you bring it with them.
Anti-Theft Screws
We also sell Screw It N’Go anti-theft screws which may help to deter criminals. They cost $8.95 plus GST and are available in our office.