Class 7 Knowledge Test (Alberta Learner's Licence)
If you are ready to start driving, your first step will be to attempt the Class 7 Knowledge Test. This test covers all of the “rules of the road” that you should know in order to start practicing your driving.
Quick Facts
You don’t need an appointment. Please arrive by 4:15 pm during the week and by 1:15 pm on Saturday to allow you sufficient time.
The cost is $17
Bring your documents.
If you are a minor, you will require parental consent.(they will have to provide their Driver Licence)
Class 7 Eligibility
Must be 14 years of age or older
Must be a resident of Alberta
Must be legally entitled to be and remain in Canada
Must NOT be otherwise restricted from holding a driver’s licence
What to bring with you to take your Alberta Class 7 Knowledge Test
The role of the Alberta Registry Agent is to verify the identity, the legal presence and the residence of all individuals applying for Alberta Driver’s Licences and ID Cards. In order to do this, we are required by the Government of Alberta to ask for support documents. All documents must be original (no copies or certified copies), legible, in English and undamaged. A single document (e.g. valid Passport or Permanent Resident Card) may be used to satisfy both Photo ID and Legal Status.
Photo ID – allows us to establish your identity.
Legal Status in Canada – the Government of Alberta requires us to verify that you are legally entitled to be and remain in Canada before we can issue a Driver’s Licence or ID Card to you.
Alberta Residence – you must be an actual residence of this province in order to apply for and hold an Alberta Driver’s Licence or ID Card. It is an offence to hold licences or ID cards for more than one province or jurisdiction at a time.
Please refer to this list of acceptable documents. Please understand that we are required by law to adhere to the policies set out by the Government of Alberta. We have to record information about the documents we see and some of the supporting documents are sent to Service Alberta for review. It is in your best interest and ours to make sure that we see and record the correct documents the first time to save you a trip back to a registry office.
Please note that if you are under the age of 18, you will need your parent or legal guardian to accompany you to the registry to take your knowledge test. The parent or guardian will also need to accompany you every time you want to re-class your licence (e.g. when you pass the test and want to apply for the Class 7 or when you want to take the road test and apply for the Class 5 GDL).
If you do not pass the knowledge test the first time, go back to your clerk and ask the clerk to stamp the completed consent form. You will be permitted to take the knowledge test if you bring this stamped consent form with you. Please remember to bring the required documents (below) each time you attempt the test.
As with adults, the minor will need to show proof of legal status, identity and residence. If you have a passport or school ID (or other government-issued photo ID), please bring this in. If you don’t have these documents, bring your parent or legal guardian who can present his or her photo ID (Alberta Driver’s Licence is ideal) and vouch for your identity and residence. In any case, please also be prepared to show us your birth certificate or other document that confers legal status in Canada (permanent resident card, citizenship certificate, etc.) We need to see these original documents each time you attempt the knowledge test.
Prepare for the Alberta Class 7 Knowledge Test
1. Read the Driver’s Guide
The test covers a variety of topics, including how to read signs, right of way, speed limits, effective merging, what to do in emergency situations, etc. All of the topics included in the test are covered in the Driver’s Guide. This book is no longer available in print form.
2. Use Flashcards
We sell these flashcards in our office for $26.25. They have been developed by Passing Zone and proceeds go to the Learning Disability Association of Alberta. Our customers tell us that they are very effective in preparing for the Knowledge Test. We highly recommend using the flashcards because our customers tell us that they are effective in helping new drivers to pass the test the first time. They are also great for preparing for the Class 5 Road Test as a refresher.
About the Test
All Knowledge Testing is done on the computer. Our computers are touch screen and require no computer skills. An English Audio version is available if you prefer to hear the questions and answers. We are not permitted to provide paper copies of the test except in exceptional circumstances and this requires supervisor approval.
You have to get 25 questions correct in order to pass and the test will stop if you answer six questions incorrectly. Therefore, the number of questions you will see depends on how many you get wrong. The questions are randomly generated from a very large bank of questions and we have no control over which questions you will see.
The cost is $17.
Knowledge Test in Alternate Languages **ONLY for Class 7
You can also take the test on the computer in:
Amharic Arabic Chinese Cree Dutch Farsi
French Hindi German Italian Korean Oromo
Polish Portuguese Punjabi Russian Somali Spanish
Tagalog Thai Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese
The cost is $17 (same as English version). No appointment is required – it’s the same as taking the test in English. Note: translation tools are not allowed (cell phones, hand held devices or paper dictionaries).
If you wish to do the test with a translator, you will need to take the Knowledge Test (in English or in one of the above languages) three times unsuccessfully first.
request permission to use a translator, please email Driver Programs and Licencing Standards (DPLS) at trans.driver.prog@gov.ab.ca with:
Full legal name
Complete date of birth
Contact email address (if you provide the address of a third party due to language issues, please note that you are consenting and authorizing DPLS to disclose information to that third party via email).
Please note that DPLS may grant or refuse the use of a translator and will advise the client of the decision via email.
If DPLS approves your use of a translator, your motor vehicle file will be updated so that the Registry can see that you have permission. At this point, it is your responsibility to find and pay for a translator to come with you to the registry to take the knowledge test. The translator must be approved by Alberta Transportation and must bring with him/her a valid TIN letter and government-issued photo ID.
The cost to take the Knowledge Test with a translator is $17. This does not include the fee to be paid to the translator. You must negotiate your fee with your translator directly. We may be able to provide you with a referral in our office if required. Note: the translator is not allowed to explain the questions, provide examples or give guidance. They are only there to translate the questions.
We are required to suspend testing for 30 days for any testee who cheats. Talking to others, using a cell phone, taking notes or taking photos of the test all constitute cheating. Alberta Transportation takes cheating seriously because the tests are designed to ensure the safety of our roads. Any suspicion of cheating may result in the client being required to re-test and your licence could be revoked. Our Knowledge Test station area is under video monitoring and we make video recordings available to the Special Investigation Unit upon request or when there is a suspicion of cheating.
Test Re-Takes
Didn’t pass the first time? No worries – it’s a challenging test and most people take it more than once before they pass. You can take a maximum of one test per day. There is no limit to the number of times you are allowed to take the Knowledge Test, but if you are having trouble, you may want to contact a Driving School about taking an online or classroom course to prepare for the test.